The Nefeli Nine Team
This retreat would not have been possible without the dedicated work of this team.
A massive thank you to all the team who gave up their time.
All of their websites and social media handles are below. If you enjoyed their work please follow them:
The Drunken Monk aka Peter - guided meditation, awareness workshops - https://the-drunkenmonk.com/about-the-drunken-monk/ IG: @the.drunken.monk
Abigail - yoga instructor - she is not a big social media user <3
Alexia - yoga instructor - https://www.somayoga.gr/ - IG: @alexia_somayoga
Mina - The healthy island girl -https://www.berrycocobymina.com/ IG:@berrycocobymina
Emilio - personal trainer - https://www.crossedfeetsportscamps.com/ IG: @rebengawake
Demi - expressive writing https://expressingmyself.org/
Kirsten - Troubelle designer - http://troubelle.nl/ IG: @troubelle
Tatiana - Think like an artist - https://www.thinklikeanartist.art/ IG: @tatianamay_
Panos Kontis - yoga instructor:Â https://www.panoskontis.com/Â | IG:Â @panos.kontis