It has been a strange year for us all. A major change in the way we live our lives is something we have all faced. I hope that you and your loved ones are managing to deal with the effects of the pandemic.
Our retreat season was due to start next week. This has now been postponed until such a time when it makes sense to restart.
Instead, I asked friends and family to help put together a program of events which I hope you and your family can take advantage of. These will be provided by way of a video conference via Zoom. You do not need a Zoom account to participate. If you are not familiar with Zoom, it's an easy way to hold video conferences. Deta
ils of how to join the classes are in the link below.
It's a very simple process.
All the events are free and do not require any registration.
1. Look through the brochure(link opens a pdf) which details the program of the week. All classes will be delivered throug
h the Zoom conference platform.
2. Select up to two classes on the attached multiple-choice form (link opens a form with dates & times)
3. You will be automatically sent login details to enable you to join the Zoom 'meeting'.
Please note that all the times of the classes are UK times and you will need to adjust the time for your location.
I hope you find something of interest to you and your family. There are significant savings offered (details in brochure) for those who wish to hear, see or buy more.
Please feel free to share thiswith anyone who might benefit and enjoy any of the classes.
